THE REVOLVING PIECE OF FURNITURE GIVEN A PRIZE Prototype is formed from three compound element from a frame cubic where to its/his/her interior turns of the inlaided cubes in the four faces. Every inlaid element is a container that she/he/it is opened through a door or partite to quash.
the project purpose and of the realization of the marquetry, of this handmade article, they are inspired to the Renaissance period where the marquetry has had its/his/her more important period; the idea of transfering what she/he/it was the big season of the perspective marquetry in modern age she/he/it is the objective of it/him/her study of this prototype.
plans are personal interpretations, a reguardant the story of the cross well-curb of Piero of the Francesca, that she/he/it was between the more important things Renaissance painters that drew cardboards of the marquetry for the Canozzi from Lendinara. the other iconography is a my interpretation inlaid revival from a low relief of the Gian Franco Giorni sculptor what represents a foreshortening of my country of Anghiari.
The inlaied executions are followed in every cube [specularmente], they launch for colouring or to the nature, creating so a different element from the other.
Every constituted element from structure and she/he/it cubes revolving and a body to if and she/he/it is possible to compose also an of a form piece of furniture, set out to flank or provision uniting to him/her/it/you edges of the structure or with other solutions of suitability. She/he/it is are possible to form with this tables element motile base or towers as in this case.

beech wood to natural drying

Revolving element
In [listellato] of poplar

Perform with [listre] of 3 mm. Made by woods from of our area geographic, as:
walnut, maple, [cilegio], pear, beech, oak, , box
[etc] cypress. Has not been use veneering to respect the philology and the historic coherence that this piece of furniture wants to represent.
In walnut wood or depicted black.

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