inlaided pieces of furniture reconstructed faithfully to the epoch



price €.5.000,00

price €.4.000,00

price €.3.000,00


She/he/it is understanded for revival criticizes the creation from the beginning of object of the past, using material new and not coming from work preexistent.
The creation is possible to be copy of an existing original, the work of philologic reconstruction irrecoverable, object new of historic interpretation-stylistics, and she/he/it is possible to be directed towards to the [ricontestualizzazione] of the fragment.
The creation is possible to be copy of an existing original, philologic reconstruction of irrecoverable work, object new of historic interpretation-stylistics, and she/he/it is possible to be directed towards to the [ricontestualizzazione] of the fragment.
operation will be always preceded by a strict study character historic, stylistic and iconographic, and guided from the respect for all the original techniques historically ascertain and from the use of coherent materials to the historic period which they are made reference.
In any case the purpose doesn't must never be that of the forgery creation; she/he/it is then always forbidden all those operations that tend artfully to age the [superfici] of the work.(feature text from the document on the restoration of the Mobile Antico from the Centro Tecnologico of the Restauro di Anghiari, year 1996.)
The revival [essenzialmente] wants to say reconstruct a work or an object, that respected the really historic characteristics-inherent stylistics to the construction the essence employment and the respect for the proportions taking back the handmade article, even if new, approximately historic period well exact.
Not to case the question of the criticism revival of the piece of furniture is coming to involve the zone of Anghiari.
This little Tuscan country placed between the boundaries of the Umbria, of the Romagna and of the marks have been between the first in Italy to know and to develop trade of the antique trade of the piece of furniture. the joiners of the place are found to change the theirs [legnaiuoli] mentality toward that of restorers cabinetmakers. The [anghiaresi] artisans practising the restoration on motile original of remarkable making, she/he/it is become acquainted with the construction technique and decoration, that she/he/it has been from teaching and learning, acquiring a know-how and free aesthetics.
The reality of the antique trade made be born to Anghiari in the years first '60 the Istituto Statale di Arte for the restoration of the piece of furniture that she/he/it has given to the pupils a start and a sensitiveness more deepened and scientific on the construction technique and directed towards decoration to the wooden restoration in particular of the piece of furniture.

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